Please read the manual before asking this kind of question. Both your
question about the command line, and the other about compiling files, are
answered in the User's Manual.

The advice to use command-line-arguments is not useful here, because that
will only contain unknown arguments. Since --load is a known argument, it
won't appear in that list.

In any case it's not clear why you want to look at the command-line args in
the first place. The --load argument is used to load a file of Scheme code;
it has nothing to do with compilation.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 2:02 PM Peter Wiehe <> wrote:

> Am 15.05.19 um 14:22 schrieb Aaron S. Hawley:
> > On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 7:14 AM Peter Wiehe<>
> wrote:
> >> How do I access the commandline arguments? argv, *ARGV* and ext:*ARGV*
> >> don't work. I get the error "Unbound variable" (when I type "scheme
> >> --load myprog.scm").
> > The procedure for retrieving command-line arguments with --load is
> > called `command-line-arguments'.
> >
> >
> Thank you very much, but I unsuccessfully tried the following:
> -------------------------
> (define inputfile 0)
> (set! inputfile (open-input-file (car (command-line-arguments))))
> ------------------------
> What is the correct usage of command-line-arguments?
> Thanks in advance
> Peter
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