I fixed the "The procedure c-call has been called with 2 arguments..." 
complaint.  If you built Scheme from the master branch as Taylor suggested, 
then you should
git pull origin master
cd src/x11/make installto update your x11 plugin.  I did this and now:
1 ]=> (paint g1 fovnder);The object 65536/255, passed as the first argument to 
integer->flonum, is not the correct type.
On Mon, 2019-12-30 at 01:49 +0000, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2019 15:43:54 -0500From: David Liu <xdavid...@gmail.com>
> > On Thu, Dec 26, 2019, 3:23 PM Chris Hanson <c...@chris-hanson.org> wrote:
> > > The nmv-header? problem should have been fixed. What version of Scheme 
> > > areyou using?
> > 
> > I am using the x86_64 binary tarball downloaded from the GNU page as of 
> > Dec2019, which if i remember correctly (typing this by phone) is 10.1.10.
> It might be easier for you to try git master so you can test fixes aswe 
> incorporate them.  If 10.1.10 is installed at 
> (say)/usr/local/mit-scheme/10.1.10/bin/mit-scheme-x86-64, do:
> git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/mit-scheme.gitcd mit-scheme/srcenv 
> PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/mit-scheme/10.1.10/bin ./Setup.shenv 
> PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/mit-scheme/10.1.10/bin ./configure 
> --enable-cross-compilingenv PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/mit-scheme/10.1.10/bin 
> make -j4 cross-hostmake -j4 cross-targetenv FAST=y make check
> (The cross-compilation business is there because we changed the ABIbetween 
> 10.1 and master; it will cease to be necessary after the nextrelease.  If you 
> have a number of CPUs other than 4, you might changethe -j option to make to 
> reflect that, of course.)
> Then you can start it with ./run-build, and do:
> (cd "6001")(load "6001.sf")(load "6001.cbf")(load "make")

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