Edwin is no longer included in all.com, the default band, but you could use 
your own.
cd ~/mit-scheme(load-option 'edwin)(disk-save "./myworld.com")(exit)export 
MITSCHEME_BAND=~/myworld.commit-scheme --edit
On Fri, 2020-01-03 at 20:59 +0100, Alexander Shendi (Web.DE) wrote:
> Dear MIT-Scheme users,
> I have managed to build a version of MIT-Scheme (V 10.1.10, SVM1) under 
> NetBSD/aarch64 (aka arm64).
> The resulting binary seems to run w/o problems, but when I try to start Edwin 
> (either via "scheme  --edit" or via the "(edwin)" procedure it takes a long 
> time to initialize and show the X11 editor window. The Edwin editor then runs 
> as expected.
> Can somebody explain the delay and how to possibly avoid it?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Alexander
> --
> You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.
> Scott McNealy 1999

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