On Saturday 08 August 2009 10:54:26 Ben Wheeler wrote:
> 2009/8/7 Nick Guenther <kou...@gmail.com>:
> > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Russell Ryan<rr...@mit.edu> wrote:
> >> Cool -- now that we'll have sqlite it would be a nice place we can keep
> >> track of random data like this. It could even be simple as a transitive
> >> clusterer. If we kept pairs of songs that were ever playing in the 2
> >> decks concurrently, then we could easily build clusters of music that
> >> should mix reasonably together. It might also be useful to have
> >> reporting on this sort of thing so the DJ can look at their style.
> >
> > It shouldn't do just any two tracks blindly... I play a lot of things
> > before knowing what they really sound like so often I'll switch the
> > second track out really quickly. A well established DJ wouldn't do
> > this, but a well established DJ wouldn't need tagging, they'd just
> > know ;). If we also recorded how long the tracks were being mixed for
> > and maybe something about the ratio of volumes of one to the other.
> >
> > Something else that would be really useful for the library would be to
> > record the low/mid/hi envelopes of each track, and give column for
> > each so that if the DJ wants is being really dubsteppy they can find
> > bass filled tracks quickly, or if they want to layer something in the
> > high register over top they can do that, or so they can know before
> > they hear it if they need to adjust the EQs.
> Just to chip in my opinion. These features sound useful, but I don't
> think they are.
> I wouldn't use them, I doubt any competent DJ would want them, but
> what's worse,

I may not be the worlds best DJ, but I certainly consider myself competent. I 
learned playing real vinyl on Technics, just like I'm sure many Mixxx'ers did. 
I currently use Traktor Scratch with control vinyl when I play out.

> if anyone uses them while learning to DJ, I think they will interfere
> with the learning
> of important mixing skills. Being able to keep a steady volume across
> the mix is a core
> skill of DJing, and any feature which tries to do part of the job for
> you, or even advise you, simply
> means you're going to struggle more when you play out on a system that
> doesn't have such a feature, which you will someday.

TS does this, and I think it's one of the most useful features of TS. Sure I 
know how to do it manually, but if I can spend that extra bit of time making 
the mix better or picking better tunes that the crowd is going to enjoy more, 
that's what I'm going to do. The problem here is everybody wants something 
different out of Mixxx. I don't think it's up to the project to withhold 
features just because they think it might make lazy DJs. Hell, I currently 
think some of the biggest names are lazy DJs, but I'm still going to listen to 
their mixes.

> I don't know what you mean by recording the "envelopes" of the
> track... but it's not possible to identify a genre of music from, say,
> a frequency histogram. Again, this is a distraction from the vital
> skill of developing an instinct for which deciding which track to play
> next based on memory, and I think even if it's only narrowing the
> search field a little, it will probably make too many mistakes to be
> useful. You'd have to do sophisticated DSP to identify genres, and
> that still wouldn't tell you whether two tracks go together.

But if someone can write the magical code to do it, why not let them try?

> DJing is not so hard that we need lots of features to make it easier,
> imo. Every one you add, makes the skills learned on mixxx less
> transferable to other DJing setups.

Or is it? More and more DJs these days don't even use vinyl (whether it be 
real LPs or Serato/TS/etc). 5 years ago, everyone talked trash about DJs that 
only used CDJs, now that's common place, if not the norm for certain genre's. 
Who knows what the average DJ will be doing in 5-10 years. I certainly don't 
want to be responsible for limiting what people can achieve with Mixxx.

> Just because you have a database, please don't feel like you have to
> fill it with useless data!
> Ben

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