The other thing I'm always hacking on is the library code.  I've brought
that up to date too and created another branch on launchpad:

There are two big changes:

* improve search mechanism (search more fields, multiple terms, etc)
* add checkbox indicating tracks that have been played
* in-line editing of comments

Improving search is a single-function tweak and should be possible to
integrate into trunk very easily.  I split the search term on every
space, and AND together the terms.  Also, I search more fields, like
location and comments.

The second change is bigger, and requires a small db schema change.  I
find it hard to keep track of which tracks I've played, so I added a
checkbox to the library view.  Once I play a track, it gets a check by
it.  If I load a track and decide not to play it, I can just uncheck the

The neat thing is that if mixxx crashes (it happens), when I restart the
program all of the checkboxes will stay properly checked, so I can
resume mixing and not accidentally repeat a track.  If mixxx closes
properly, it cleans out the checkboxes for the next launch.  

Note: the schema upgrade blows away your header preferences so that the
new column shows up.

Whereas my xwax work is still somewhat experimental, this library work
is very stable.  I'd really like to get this merged into trunk once it's
been banged on a bit by other people.


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