I had a crash last night doubleclicking a row in the library (latest
trunk).  Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce the crash, but
this was the error:

Debug: [Main]: Track Played: "Billy Johnston"  -  "Stash House (Pablo
Bolivar Edi"  -  "/music/ogg/00MIXING/various/VA-X2-(GHX2)/Billy
Johnston - Stash House (Pablo Bolivar Edit).mp3"
Fatal: [Main]: ASSERT: "*node == e || (*node)->next" in
file /usr/share/qt4/include/QtCore/qhash.h, line 884

(line 884 is the findNode method of qhash)

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this particular track.  The
"Track Played" log entry indicates that Mixxx had gotten as far as
trying to load the track.

Also, playback continued even after the ASSERT which would confirm a UI

I'll file a bug if and when I can reproduce it, but if anyone else has
encountered this bug please reply to the list.


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