On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 23:31 +0300, zestoi wrote:

> ah yep, this is true. also the k2 is kind of odd that you have to send
> different messages, not just different values, to select alternative
> colours. i'm really not sure why they implemented it that way. i'm
> also planning on getting a k2 soon.

When you use their own latching mode you can set values for lights that
are on the inactive page.  When you switch to that page, they'll already
be on.  It's a really nice system because it means the host app doesn't
need to know anything about the latching system.

> my midimasher app supports multi layers/pages with full led recall for
> page switching and i implemented a dumbed down version of that in my
> launchpad mapping since it only had to deal with the one controller.
> it would be quite nice to have that functionality in the engine. my
> midimasher code just stores the last value sent out for any note/cc/pc
> for each midi channel and when you select a new page returns just the
> list of values that are different between those two pages. the
> launchpad also needs it's own custom function to send out those values
> due to it's internal bank switching that implements flashing colours
> and is also used to make the page switching *appear* instant

Very cool.  Generalizable stuff like this really does sound like it
shouldn't need to be reimplemented by every controller configuration.

>  in traktor you end up duplicating a mapping several times over as you
> can only add two modifier conditions and one value per modifier per
> mapping. i think we'd be losing a trick if we limited it to the
> traktor mentality.

There's no need to have those specific limitations, and again I think
it's a good idea to draw a line between "in xml" and "in javascript". 

> condition="modifier1 eq 1 && modifier2 gt 2 && modifier3 ne 3"

This makes me physically cringe.  I appreciate the hack, but barf.

Maybe the solution is to do something a little different:

When the button is pressed, the event is only activated if the specified
javascript function returns true.  And no, you wouldn't be able to write
arbitrary javascript statements inside those quote marks :).  That might
even be too much, though.  It might make more sense to just do the whole
thing in scripting.

By the way, what's an example of a command that needs that amount of
logic?  I don't quite understand the use-case for testing ranges and

> cool sure. i'll shut up on that for now then and not even mention that
> i think that we should normalise the midi and hid xml files in some
> way ;)

No problem -- I just want to avoid making this the "everyone's hopes and
dreams for controller configuration" thread.


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