On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 22:46:57 -0700 (PDT)
Steven Boswell II <ulatekh-/e1597as9lqavxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> Right now I'm rescanning my track collection on my laptop, and I expected it 
> to be a short operation, but it's taking forever.  I'm guessing it's because 
> I moved a large part of my track collection to a different partition on my 
> hard drive, even though the path remained the same.  The issue is that 
> QDirIterator doesn't present the tracks in any particular order; it'll be 
> dictated by how they happened to be stored in the underlying filesystem.  
> When I moved the track collection, that permuted the files in each directory.
> The issue is that the directory-hash calculation isn't order-independent; it 
> calculates the directory hash by appending all the filenames to one string.  
> If we changed it to calculate the hash of each filename individually, and 
> XORed those together, then it would be order-independent, and shouldn't 
> detect less changes than the previous method.
> Thoughts?

I'm guessing it should be seen as a generic, recursive hash(files[n]) -> 
hash(parent_dir) problem, in which case using XOR wouldn't report a file's 
movement to a grandparent because ((a ^ b) ^ c)) == (a ^ (b ^ c)) and surely 
the point is to do a top-down traversal and actually detect such movements?

My first instinct would be to wrap QDirIterator with a qsort() so it's 
deterministic and doesn't fluctuate across different OSes/Filesystems, then 
it's an optimization problem but not trivial.

I read a paper a while back that used MD6 hashes because they're immune to 
order and can be massively parallelized on GPUs, and used a header/footer block 
hash for faster discrimination. It was for file deduplication though, in 
Mixxx's case I don't see how you can avoid having to recompute the hash of a 
file that suddenly popped up; you can never be certain it was the same file 
that disappeared from another location until a full rehash... unless the move 
operation is done from within the Mixxx UI or the hash is embedded in the 
file's metadata.

-- p

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