Yeah I don't think that's a huge problem.  Let's go ahead and do this.
This is also a good choice for a sort of migration epoch: most commits
pre-move are launchpad, and all commits post-move are git.

On Sun, 2013-06-16 at 18:45 -0400, RJ Ryan wrote:
> I just tried this (getting rid of mixxx/) in a local branch and then
> merged the changes into another topic branch (features_key). 
> The only conflicts were files I had deleted in features_key that were
> moved in master. Every file I had created in features_key was still in
> mixxx/ so I had to move those in a follow-up commit. I could have also
> done that in the merge commit. 
> So there may be some minor conflicts and things to fix but everything
> else should work fine?
> I would say that we should wait until there are fewer open major
> branches but there will always be open major branches so I'm for just
> ripping off the band-aid while everyone is transitioning over.
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:09 PM, RJ Ryan <> wrote:
>         On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Owen Williams
>         <> wrote:
>                 that may work, but anything that complicates the
>                 migration procedure
>                 risks causing problems for other branches, history,
>                 etc.  As soon as lp
>                 and github get out of sync, it's going to be very
>                 tough to migrate any
>                 other user branches.
>         The bzr->git migration step can be thought of totally
>         separately from the pushing to GitHub step. Once bzr->git
>         finishes then it's the same thing as being a Git developer who
>         is living under a rock and hasn't merged with the latest
>         changes on GitHub. Git can handle merging situations like that
>         fine (so could Bazaar). It just means the pushing to GitHub
>         step would need a merge first.
>                 I would prefer my second suggestion, zeroing out the
>                 lp:mixxx repo, so
>                 that no one tries to merge or branch or commit to that
>                 again.
>         I'd prefer not to do this since it would break URLs on the web
>         that use loggerhead (the LP source browser) to point to the
>         latest version of a file in Bazaar (for example, Mixxx forum
>         posts). 
>                 On Thu, 2013-06-13 at 15:52 -0400, RJ Ryan wrote:
>                 > Hm, can't you just merge with github master instead
>                 of assuming it
>                 > will apply fast-forwarded? That will be true
>                 regardless of whether we
>                 > do this move if there are any commits to lp:mixxx
>                 after we've all
>                 > switched to committing on GitHub.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Owen Williams
>                 <>
>                 > wrote:
>                 >         That should be fine as long as we neeeever
>                 sync from launchpad
>                 >         trunk
>                 >         again.
>                 >
>                 >         speaking of which, maybe I should sync from
>                 trunk one more
>                 >         time before
>                 >         you do that :)
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >         On Thu, 2013-06-13 at 15:24 -0400, RJ Ryan
>                 wrote:
>                 >         > Now that everyone is getting disrupted by
>                 the bzr to git
>                 >         switch,
>                 >         > there's no time like now to get rid of the
>                 'mixxx' folder
>                 >         inside the
>                 >         > repository. I plan on just doing a git mv
>                 on all the
>                 >         contents of
>                 >         > mixxx/*. Merges should still work fine as
>                 git can cope with
>                 >         files that
>                 >         > have been modified in one branch and moved
>                 in another.
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         > As far as I know there is just a tiny
>                 amount of
>                 >         documentation (wiki)
>                 >         > and code (build server / packaging) to
>                 update and I'm game
>                 >         to do that
>                 >         > just to get rid of this dumb directory. :)
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Any thoughts?
>                 >
>                 >         >
>                 >
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