Pretty good.  what does "toasted" mean?

On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 09:44 +0200, Tuukka Pasanen wrote:

> >         
> Helllo
> This would be interesting option. I was thinking something rules like
>  * Mix should only be done in Mixxx (No post editing)
>  * Mix should be exclusive and non-perfomed ever
>  * One can be use effects outside of Mixxx
>  * Maximum length of mix is 30 mins
>  * Output format can be chosen from Ogg/Vorbis (Max quality 4) or MP3
> (Max bitrate 192 or VBR 4) 
>  * It can be toasted or just plain mix
>  * At least 2 songs should be free CC copyrighted
>  * One should provide song list where is Artist, Album, Label (and
> copyright, Label can be where it's downloaded)
>  * Mix should be released some under some CC license 
>  * One uploads mix to an FTP-server where they can be judged (FTP or
> dropbox or something!)
>  * Mix should be named Mixxx-DjName-MixName-date.format
>  * One should upload file named  Mixxx-DjName-MixName-date.txt to also
> in FTP that contains
>     - Dj Real Name / Email
>     - Dj Name
>     - Setup
>         - Mixxx version
>         - Os version
>         - Machine specs
>         - Other used programs and equiments
>     - Song list (look above)
>     - Which CC copyright he is suitable for him
>  * If one likes to provide image it should be named
> Mixxx-DjName-MixName-date.jpg and it should be large enough for print
> use and licensed again in CC
> What winner gets:
> Because of great Speaker offer we should manage little online show and
> winner should have change to play his/her set live with Mixxx. 2nd and
> 3th also should be played and commeted. I don't know about technical
> points of Speaker but it should be mangeable.
> I probably missed a lot but there is something to talk about..
> So what do you thihnk,
> Tuukka

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