I see, I will reflect that in the proposal and then we can further discuss

Thanks for your input :)

2016-03-06 23:24 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schürmann <dasch...@mixxx.org>:

> Yes, that is a good example, but it requires a lot more than just
> recording CO changes. How will Mixxx know how a random CO change compares
> to its internal state.
> Which state (Deck or Sampler state) changed state will trigger which
> CO state.
> How will the interface look like, to recode and recall such macros?
> Maybe some of similar tasks are requiring conditions similar to the break
> effect added in some controller scripts.
> A hand full more of these examples will be quite useful.
> Am 06.03.2016 um 22:50 schrieb Ferran Pujol Camins:
>> For example, a user could record himself setting a 4 bar loop and
>> successively halving it, a good known Dj trick. Then at the press of a
>> button this trick would automatically happen (macros will be time-scaled
>> to match different bpm). This is actually a requested feature:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1084352
>> Aren't this kind of possibilities not appealing to you? Or I don't get
>> what you mean in your last sentence.
>> Kind regards, Ferran.
>> 2016-03-06 22:28 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schürmann <dasch...@mixxx.org
>> <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>>:
>>     Yes, right. A good solution will also work from the GUI.
>>     The idea was just that a midi file has already the capability to
>>     store control commands along with timestamps. Since there is a
>> standard,
>>     there are already third party apps and libraries we may re-use.
>>     The sysex extensions offers the option to add Mixxx specific features.
>>     So it looks like form the techical point of view it looks like it
>>     will work. If we find out it does not work or we hav not enough
>>     benefits, it is also a good result. ;-)
>>     If we compare a possible Mixxx macro recording with lets say Open
>>     Office Calc, there is an important difference: The real timing.
>>     So IMHO the use cases are not obvious. It is important to define
>>     some good common use cases, that we have a good reference we can
>>     compare our ideas against. That is probably one of the hardest part
>>     of your project idea.
>>     Am 06.03.2016 um 20:17 schrieb Ferran Pujol Camins:
>>         Also, I feel we should not think in terms of recording MIDI, but
>>         recording CO changes. This way users using the GUI can also
>>         record macros.
>>         2016-03-06 20:15 GMT+01:00 Ferran Pujol Camins
>>         <ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com>
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com>>>:
>>              Yes, the raw recorded data is a linear representation. The
>>         idea is
>>              to reduce the number of data points by interpolating the
>>         data with
>>              cubic curves, sort of a simplification of the data (as seen
>>         in the
>>              drawing of my previous mail).
>>              Do you feel macro recording only appeals to a minority of
>>         users? I
>>              think it's pretty impressive. And as I already explained,
>>         other cool
>>              features (like your auto-dj sequencer) can be built from
>>         it. This
>>              interpolation thing is only a part of what needs to be
>>         done, but I
>>              really feel it is needed if we want our users to edit
>> recorded
>>              sequences.
>>              I appreciate your feedback!
>>              2016-03-06 20:05 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schürmann
>>         <dasch...@mixxx.org <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>
>>              <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>>>:
>>                  Ah yes macro recording will be a cool feature.
>>                  I habe not yet understood how you will be able to record
>> a
>>                  becubic curve.
>>                  The result will be always a linear representation from
>>         audio
>>                  callback to audio callback.
>>                  It may send to have a abstract editor that converts a
>> cubic
>>                  curve to a row of linear changes quantisiced by the
>>         size of the
>>                  audio buffer.
>>                  I actually thought about that
>>         https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mixxx/+spec/midi-auto-dj
>>                  How do you think about that? Storing the command in a
>>         midi file
>>                  has the advantage that we are able to record the
>>         original input,
>>                  including the original timestamps.
>>                  The midi decoding is already in place so we have it for
>>         free an
>>                  only need to implement q midi player that is treated as a
>>                  controller.
>>                  If I look too a possible gsoc project. It might be
>>         difficult
>>                  since it probably matters only a minority to our users.
>>                  To have a chance for a successful proposal, you have to
>>         make
>>                  sure that you issue also problems that matters a
>>         majority of our
>>                  users.
>>                  Am 06.03.2016 2:45 nachm. schrieb "Ferran Pujol Camins"
>>                  <ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com>
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ferranpujolcam...@gmail.com>>>:
>>                      Macro recording is a cool feature by itself: you
>>         record some
>>                      cool routine and you can reproduce it with the
>>         click of a
>>                      button. But it also serves as the foundation of other
>>                      demanded features like Session action recording
>>                      <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/669009>,
>>         on-the-fly
>>                      macros
>>         <
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mixxx/+spec/deferred-button-execution>
>>                      or cool custom auto-dj transitions.
>>                      It is desirable to be able to edit a macro, something
>>                      similar to what you would do in a daw. Problem:
>>         editing a
>>                      curve represented by lots of short linear segments
>>         is not
>>                      easy. Interpolating with cubic splines, the curve is
>>                      represented in a more convenient way for editing:
>>                      This might also be more memory efficient, but I
>>         think this
>>                      wouldn't be a big problem anyway.
>>                      The interpolation algorithm is just an auxiliary
>>         feature for
>>                      the main feature of my proposal, which is macro
>>         recording.
>>                      The interpolation algorithm will not improve Mixxx
>>         in any
>>                      way that is not macro recording (although the
>>         algorithm will
>>                      be properly isolated from the macro recording code,
>>         so we
>>                      can further think if other Mixxx features can
>>         benefit from
>>                      it, but this is out-of scope of my proposal).
>>                      The algorithm I'm drafting is not real time, so it
>>         won't
>>                      immediately solve it.
>>                      You'll get the full proposal soon :)
>>                      2016-03-05 23:39 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schürmann
>>                      <dasch...@mixxx.org <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>
>>         <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>>>:
>>                          Hi Ferran
>>                          That sound interesting but I do not get the use
>>         case.
>>                          What will be possible with such an algorithm
>>         what we
>>                          cannot do yet?
>>                          What kind of users will benefit from it.
>>                          A related real world issue is for example this:
>>         https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1157570
>>                          Will your solution solve it?
>>                          Kind regards,
>>                          Daniel
>>                          Am 05.03.2016 um 17:26 schrieb Ferran Pujol
>> Camins:
>>                              Thank you for the explanation Daniel.
>>                              I'm writing my proposal for GSOC. I aim for
>>         macro
>>                              recording.
>>                              COs taking a finite set of values are not a
>> big
>>                              deal. But continuous CO
>>                              are, because if we want to let the user
>>         edit the
>>                              macro, a curve formed
>>                              by a dense set of linear segments is not
>>         practical.
>>                              I'm drafting an interpolation algorithm that
>>                              combines sections of linear
>>                              interpolation with sections of cubic
>>         interpolation.
>>                              I ask this because I
>>                              want to draft the algorithm in matlab as a
>>         proof of
>>                              concept, so I need
>>                              to generate data similar to what Mixxx
>>         would give.
>>                              Then if my proposal
>>                              is accepted, the algorithm would be further
>>         fine
>>                              tuned with real data
>>                              from Mixxx.
>>                              The algorithm should also provide some
>>         improvement
>>                              on the size of the data.
>>                              2016-03-05 12:12 GMT+01:00 Daniel Schürmann
>>                              <dasch...@mixxx.org
>>         <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org> <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org
>>         <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>>
>>                              <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org
>>         <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>
>>                              <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org
>>         <mailto:dasch...@mixxx.org>>>>:
>>                                   do you facing a specific issue?
>>                                   Here how it works:
>>                                   The new value is stored almost
>>         immediately in
>>                              the global atomic double.
>>                                   A latency and jitter comes in when we
>>         look at
>>                              the threads.
>>                                   Let's look at the midi wheel to audio
>>         sample pass:
>>                                   The midi values are sampled in a 1 ms
>>         (5 ms
>>                              Linux) cycle. MIDI
>>                                   supports rates up to 0.32 ms. This
>> means a
>>                              steady wheel turn of a
>>                                   high speed midi device results in a
>>         buffer of
>>                              15 midi messages that
>>                                   are processed at once. (unfortunately
>>         the midi
>>                              timestamp is ignored)
>>                                   the result is stored into the COs
>>         immediately
>>                              waiting for the audio
>>                                   thread which consumes the value every
>>         23 ms
>>                              (default audio buffer
>>                                   size). If the engine thread is not
>>         scheduled
>>                              before the midi thread
>>                                   runs again the Co value is overwritten
>>         by a new
>>                              one. The routing
>>                                   samples are passed through on or two
>> extra
>>                              threads (depending on the
>>                                   API implementation. Which introduces
>>         another
>>                              delay of > 23 ms.
>>                                   How to improve It:
>>                                   -sync the midi thread with the engine
>>         thread to
>>                              eliminate the random
>>                                   jitter.
>>                                   -Take the midi timestamp into account to
>>                              calculate the wheel speed
>>                                   And acceleration.
>>                                   - Add a filter like we have for mouse
>>                              scratching that removes the
>>                                   remaining jitter bits from the
>>         calculated values.
>>                                   We have currently an other Issue:
>>                                   Let's say you want to play a track for
>>         10 ms.
>>                              You press play and
>>                                   pause on the controller. Now it
>>         depends on the
>>                              schedule moment of
>>                                   the engine thread if the track is
>>         played 23 ms
>>                              or not. In case play
>>                                   and pause are processed between a engine
>>                              callback play is
>>                                   overwritten by pause. IMHO this
>>         behaviour is
>>                              correct in this case.
>>                                   If we need follow every Co change the
>>         consumer
>>                              can register a change
>>                                   callback. In this case every single
>>         change (or
>>                              update if you wish)
>>                                   is delivered either as a direct
>>         callback or
>>                              queued on the threads qt
>>                                   message queue.
>>                                   Kind regards, Daniel
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