It is a low volume group for the most part - would it be feasible
        to use the individual article form I wonder?

Done.  Bad enough I did it twice in a row, but I know me, and I'd do
it again if I stayed on digest.  Now if others wouldn't rub it in by
replying with the same subject line... :)

        Not really, at least I don't think so.  What I _think_ I need
        (and have the initial attempt running) is a _very_ selective 
        highpass filter (no pixels with Y' above 48 are even looked at)
        that uses a 'midpoint' and a combination of clip and core.  More below.
I assume you mean highpass in the Y-domain sense and not in the usual
Fourier domain sense?

   To reduce the random shades of grey problem what I want to do
        is convert 
                                         23-31/124-132/124-132 into 28/128/128
        but leave things like 49/125/128 and 16/200/64 alone.   

  What you are suggesting is a more precise clipping/quantizing of the
color 3-space than my own slash-and-burn.  I was thinking that Y=16
was black regardless of CbCr, which I guess isn't really true.  Do you
actually have visible colored regions where Y is meaningfully less
than your gray patches?  I was assuming that below 28 or so everything
was essentially black, and that you wanted to translate your gray
regions to true black.  But it sounds like the Y values of your gray
areas actually float above those of some image features you want to

I'll look forward to trying this out.  Does it seem to reduce bitrates


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