On Wed, 28 May 2003, Matti Haveri wrote:

> Some of my longish PAL XSVCD's audio tend to be out-of-sync.
> The ordinary ~2500 kb/s SVCDs and corresponding 37-45 minute 352x576 
> XSVCDs have been OK. But the in the few ~60 minute XSVCDs I have made 
> the audio has been  ad 1 second out-of-sync with the video and the 
> error seems to somewhat fluctuate in time so some parts the audio is 
> almost in sync.
> I have used 224 kb/s 48 kHz audio with the XSVCD with either 48 kHz 
> AIF or WAF as input but both are somewhat out-of-sync so the input 
> seems to be not the problem.
> The video and audio lengths are identical (with at least 1 second 
> precision on a 60 minute video -- how can I check them more 
> precisely?) before multiplexing.

Depends on the format. For mjpeg avi lavinfo gives you the frame count.
For wav audio there are several utilities out there (eg, wavprint) that
outputs the playtime or number of samples. mpeg2enc also prints out
the total input audio length in bytes from which its easy to calculate the

But any difference between the audio and video lengths does not 
necessarily indicate a sync problem. 
> For example, I have encodeded 59 minute video with:
> ppmtoy4m -v 0 -S 420_mpeg2 -L -I b -F 25:1
> mpeg2enc -v 0 -f 5 -F 3 -n p -a 2 -b 1484 -I 1 -r 16 -q 7 -V 224 -g 9 -G 15

Wow, ppms worth of 59mins video must be taking a lot of disk space, eh:)

What is the source of your video? How do you extract audio and video
out of the source?

> I have noticed that extremely large video buffers tend to get audio 
> out-of-sync but I guess -V 224 should be OK.

Which players do you use?


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