I think I have yuvkineco working properly when I feed it raw-captured video.

I had been using variations of:
  yuvkineco -S 4 -c [2-32] -n [5-100]

In other words, had tried lots of -c values and lots of -n values.

Well...I took just a small clip that was particularly bad with yuvkineco and started 
playing around with other variations.  '-n 0' was awful.. '-n 1', however, was almost 
back to what I was used to before I started capturing in raw format.  Then I tried a 
-c value of 4 with -n 1 and that was just almost it..removed the -S 4 and it is back 
to exactly where I was before.  So...guess I just needed to compensate for the better 
capture by lowering the noise level way down.

-- Ray

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