On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 07:58:16 +0100
Bernhard Praschinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo
> > I'm not sure if this is the proper channel to ask about the mencvcd script,
> > so
> > let me know in whatever appropriate manner ;-)
> For a proper solution of the problem the guys that wrote the script
> would be the once to correct the problem.

Ok, that's really what I was thinking, but since it was available as part of
some of the mjpegtools packages on the download page, I was hoping someone
might at least give me a clue...and $DEITY knows I need a clue ;-)

> > First, I could not simply do:
> > 
> > mencvcd <name> -svcdout <file.avi>
> > 
> > because I got this error:
> > 
> > ++ WARN: [yuvscaler] Could not infer norm (PAL/SECAM or NTSC) from input
> > data
> > (frame size=576x432, frame rate=11988011:500000 fps)!!**ERROR: [yuvscaler]
> > No
> > norm specified, cannot determine VCD output size. Please use the -n
> > option!**ERROR: [mpeg2enc] Could not read YUV4MPEG2 header: system error
> > (failed
> > read/write)!
> The problem ist the framerate specifed: 11988011:500000, in combination
> with you unusal framsize yuvscaler does not know what to do. The
> framerate: 11988011:500000 is closte to 24000:1001, so you should add
> yuvfps before yuvscaler into the queue and ony change the framerate
> header to 24000:1001, lookes like that: ... | yuvfps -c -r 24000:1001 |
> ...
> You might have to set the framerate in mpeg2enc too. 

actually, the script does provide and option for setting the framerate to
24000:1001, and since no one had replied by the time I was going to bed, I
thought, what the heck, CD's are only about 50c each...

I forced my brain to do some logical thinking, and I figured if the sound is
*behind* the video, then I need a *lower* framerate. So I did the encoding
forcing a framerate of 24000:1001 and *BINGO*  it's dead on.

Thanks very much for your reply!

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
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