I am using Final Cut to get a nice m2v file at 7.5 mbs and aiff audio which I convert to MP2 using BitVice Helper. When I mux them together in Bitvice Helper I get a nice MPEG2 with a rate of about 7.8mbs but in the file header is a mux rate of 108000. So when I send it to the folks at Telestream their product will not read it because of that Mux rate.. Can you help me?

Here is my header info from the MPEG

Last login: Fri Feb 6 12:14:08 on ttyp3
Welcome to Darwin!
cd /Applications/MMT-EZ/MMT-EZ.app/Contents/Resources
./mpginfo /Users/philipcoltart/Pictures/movie-1.mpg
[Philip-Coltarts-Computer:~] philipco% cd /Applications/MMT-EZ/MMT-EZ.app/Contents/Resources
[Philip-Coltarts-Computer:MMT-EZ.app/Contents/Resources] philipco% ./mpginfo /Users/philipcoltart/Pictures/movie-1.mpg
warning: couldn't find any valid system header. I'm continuing anyway
Mpeg 2 Program Stream File [Video/Audio]
Muxrate : 10.08 Mbps
Estimated Duration: 28.31s
Aspect ratio 4/3 (TV)
Interlaced, chroma format: 4:2:0
Video Format: NTSC
Size [720 x 480] 29.97 fps 8.20 Mbps

User Data:
@(#)Apple MPEG-2 Encoder v259.2-20031027 [7000000 655 R8200000 w3 e2s E2 s0x2 V0x7fffffff]

Audio : Mpeg 1 layer 2
224 kbps 48000 Hz
Stereo, No emphasis
[Philip-Coltarts-Computer:MMT-EZ.app/Contents/Resources] philipco%

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