On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 11:26 -0400, Richard Ellis wrote:
> That should be more than enough, as long as you've not got something
> in the background consuming 40.06MB/sec of read bandwidth, or
> something else writing loads of data to disk at the same time.


> Your original command line was writing the sox output to /dev/null. 

Right but since then I have simplified the test to just lav2wav sucking.
See my previous e-mail:

        $ time lav2wav file.eli > file.wav
           INFO: [lav2wav] WAV done
        0.58user 12.01system 1:49.86elapsed 11%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
        0inputs+0outputs (204major+938minor)pagefaults 0swaps
> That shouldn't be a time consumer, but as a quick check, switch to
> writing to a read file on disk instead.  Does that change anything?

As above, the lav2wav alone takes almost 2 minutes.

> Also, you might want to try running a buffer between the two
> processes, that might help as well.

Right, once lav2wav is taking all of the CPU I can throw at it and the
pipeline to sox still sucks, I will.  But right now, lav2rec seems to be
the bottleneck.


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