
I use a small script to encode my avi movies that I get from my digicam.
It looks like this:

mkfifo stream.yuv
nice mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg -nosound -noframedrop -noaspect -vf
scale=352:288 $1 &> /dev/null &
cat stream.yuv | nice mpeg2enc -f 1 -n p -F 3 -o video.m1v &> /dev/null
mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm -noframedrop $1 &> /dev/null
sox -t wav audiodump.wav -t wav /dev/stdout stretch 0.8 | \
    cat /dev/stdin | nice mp2enc -V -o audio.mp2 &> /dev/null
mplex -f 1 audio.mp2 video.m1v -o $1.mpg

I know, the stretch option in sox makes the sound sound awful, but the
avi is 20 fps so what can I do?

Anyway, when I play the result, it usually only plays 27 frames and
The mplex output is:
   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:      172032 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:        2
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        0
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :       29
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :        2
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :        2 avg. size 13881 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :        9 avg. size  6469 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :       19 avg. size  4327 bytes

What is funny is that if I mplex the video manually, I mean outside of
the script, the output is correct most of the times.

Then the output is like this:
   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:     1549706 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:       20
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        1
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :      268
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :       20
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :       20 avg. size 11959 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :       71 avg. size  6381 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :      178 avg. size  4816 bytes

Any idea?

Lehmeier Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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