
> I am generating MPEG-2 files with the cvs version of mplayer/mencoder
> and MJPEG tools. Both play very well in VLC and Mplayer. I need to however
> use them in Windows in the following tools:
> - Windows Media Player
> - Windows Medial Encoder
Try to find a MPEG2 decoder that installs in a way so that the Windows
media player is able to play back the MEPG2 Movie. DVD playback SW for
windows might do it properly. 
MS does not inlcude a MPEG2 decoder into windows. 

I have heared some romours that there is a MPEG2 decoder hidden in a
file on the windows2000 install CD. But I have never found any reliable
source to prove that. 

> - Real Producer
No idea. 

> - need to be accepted by a DVD creation tool
take a look a dvdauthor. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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