Nicolas wrote:
> Hello,
> I used lavrec to record an avi, with the following syntax:
> nice -n -20 lavrec -f a -i P -l 100 -R m -d 1 -q 80 -b 512
> record_%02d.avi
> Lavrec version is:
> lavtools version 1.6.2: lavrec
> Then I try to edit that .avi with glav. But I have the following error:
> glav record_01.avi
> ++: **ERROR: [lavplay] lavplay_mjpeg_open(): Unknown playback mode ('S')
> ++: **ERROR: [lavplay] lavplay_mjpeg_get_params(): Unknown playback mode
> ('S')
> ++: lavtools version 1.6.2
> I don't know where the problem comes from. Any idea?
do you have compiled that package youselfe ?

when you type: lavplay -h, how does that line look like:
  -p/--playback [SHC]        playback: ....

I guess the "S" is missing. 

If you have compiled the package youselfe. Take a look a the configure
ouptut I thing SDL ist not detectet correct.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter


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