On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 19:50 -0400, Jean Connelly wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> > I have been searching for good 480 line NTSC framebuffer timings for the
> > G400 for years but nothing seems to exist.
> Where is your line for "good"?

That's just it.  I have not found a good one for NTSC ANYTHINGx480.

>   On my TV, I was happy with 
> mode "640x480-55"
>     # D: 25.175 MHz, H: 31.469 kHz, V: 55.403 Hz
>     geometry 640 480 640 480 24
>     timings 39722 56 8 62 24 96 2
>     accel true
> endmode

That is only 55Hz though.  You are losing 1/12th of the frames.

> I believe that was using the hunt and peck method.

Yeah, but it shouldn't be that hard.

Oh well.


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