> y4mstabilizer works best with 444 progressive material.  

I am working in 422 progressive. At least its closer than 420 interlaced

>  Life is short and I am very busy.  Sorry.)

You already take the time to reply which is great, thanks.

> Hmmm... You have given the jitter *amplitude* (12 pixels) but not the
> jitter *frequency* (how often they occur) or duty cycle (how much of
> the time is the image shifted).

True, it does happen every 2 or 3 frames.

> How long do the jitters last? 

80 % of the movie reel, which makes about 15 minutes ...

> Are they only a frame or two?  or do they 
> last several seconds?  Best results occur if the input shift is of short
> duration, and quickly moves back to the original position.

Ok let's say that every 2 or 3 frames it comes back to its original position. 
How could I say that ... the amplitude is only one way (down, never up)

> The lower the jitter frequency, and the higher the duty cycle, the
> bigger alpha value will be required.  However, that also will resist the
> intentional camera panning.

Not too sure if that is really intentional ... :-)

> The default alpha value is 0.95, which is quite high.


> Good luck.
Thanks will work on -a...

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