Hi, I'm trying to stop motion animate a bunch of JPGs I have, following the instructions on this page:


I am using the command:

jpeg2yuv -f 4 -b49 -n 161 -I p -j photo%04d.JPG | yuv2lav -o stream_without_sound.avi

Mplayer doesn't like the output *at all* (codecs?). Vlc plays it, but drops frames part way in (claiming "computer too slow" -- don't think so! AMD64 3200 1GB RAM; also I can play 640x480 at 32fps from my digital camera without any problem). The images were originally 1024x768, but I dropped their resolution to 640x480.

Is there another way I can do this? Or what should I do to prevent the framedropping from happening?


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