On Mon April 10 2006 01:28, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 9 Apr 2006, Dave Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of the hardware hack to send the signal from a TV tuner
> > card through the DC10+
> If you open a TV viewing app, you'll note that the dc10+ has three video
> inputs; composite, svideo and some magical thing called "internal". Open
> your computer and look at the card; you'll see a small black connector on
> the side of the card labelled "video in", and the "internal" option is
> exactly this.
> Some tv/tuner cards actually have a similar connector labelled "video
> out". By connecting the tuner out to the dc10+ internal in, you
> essentially add a tuner to your dc10+ (or a hardware codec to your tuner
> card, depending on whose side you're on). The cable input is then
> connected to the tuner card, the tuner proxied to the dc10+, and you
> capture using lavrec or so.
> Ronald
I don't suppose you know of any particular TV cards that have this connector.
To help narrow my search.


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