I recently took some really unsteady video (walking on sand, partially
zoomed in; we're talking the bridge of the Enterprise after a direct
hit shaky) and decided to test the limits of y4mstabilizer.  It seems
to be up to the task in theory (if one doesn't mind much of a given
frame being off-screen), but I have run into some bugs related to the
large offsets.  I'm working on 640x480 progressive video in this case,
and the required motion compensation can easily exceed 200 pixels in
any direction.  If I use a small radius with y4mstabilizer (say the 15
pixel default) then it tends to segfault as soon as the motion is
greater than that, which is to say right away.  I can keep things going
longer by increasing the radius a lot, but sometimes in the 200-235
pixel range I get immediate segfaults anyway.  Then if I use a radius of
236 or more, y4mstabilizer no longer operates correctly, but after the
first few frames just shows a fixed corner of the video.

The first type of segfault (from too large a motion) is the most
important, and I've narrowed it down to the motion estimation code,
specifically gmotion() or motion().  I'll track it down myself
eventually, but I thought I'd throw it out there in case someone more
familiar with the code wanted to take a crack at it.  I can provide
example video sequences.


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