
>> The kernel is 2.6.12 in the Ubuntu build called Breezy Badger. the 
>> zoran driver is 0.9.5.
>> I have used lavrec from version 1.6.3 and 1.8.0. Both show the same
>>  artifacts.
>> The recording command used was the following: lavrec -d 1 -g
>> 608x464+16+8 -q 40 -f a -i n -B -t 10 -s -U xxx.avi

The artifacts do not change when you use a higher quality like -q 60 ?
-q 100 should be avoided, it might cause problems.

>> I have done my recordings for approximately 5 seconds and the AVI
>> files are roughly the same size. I believe both programs are
>> recording at approximately the same JPEG quality.
How big are that 5 sec ?
If you don't have a problem with putting them online. I would be
interrested to see a short sample of the problematic sequence.

>> The images were originally done by taking a screen shot of a given
>> frame and stored in uncompressed BMP. I compressed pieces of these
>> to JPEG to keep the size of my e-mail as small as I could. The
>> artifacts are
>> visible in the original BMP files. Naturally I won't send them but
if you
>> would like to download them I will put them at
>> The artifacts did not show up after I created the JPEG images I
sent. They
>> are also clearly visible when playing the video on the computer
>> monitor with lavplay. As far as I can see this appears to be
>> something that
>> at recording time. I must note that similar artifacts do appear in
>> the Windows created files, but they are far less visible than in
>> the lavrec files.
> From the image I cannot tell if you have switched or mislabeld

>>>> Do you have a interlacing problem like switched fields, or is
>>>> it just that the recording startes sometime with a top and on
>>>> some other times with a bottom field ?
>> I would say it looks like switched fields. The AVI files that are
>> all have frames with two fields. The first collection of field data
in the
>> frame is labeled according to the AVI spec as field 1 and the
>> second field is labeled as field 2. When played back as
>> top-field-first, some files look normal and some files have very
>> jagged images. If I play the files that are jagged with lavplay and
>> swap fields, they look
normal. Since
>> the recording always specifies -f a and -i n, I would expect the
frames to
>> come from the board in standard NTSC order, which I understand to
>> be top-field-first. The interesting thing is that obviously xawtv
>> somehow does something with the capture card to make it deliver
>> top-field-first.
You should be able to correct interlacing problems with yuvcorrect.
Please take a look at the mjpeg-howto section 3.4 Notes about "interlace
field order - what can go wrong and how to fix it"

What you describe sound like that the card is not able labe the movies
accorintg to what it is dooing. Does the interlacing change during the
recording (like when you have dropped/ins. fields) ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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