On Tuesday 05 June 2007 15:27:26 Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> Hallo
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Whilst troubleshooting my problems with a certain .mpg, I tried another
> > tack. I combined two .elis into one, so that I wouldn't need to
> > daisy-chain files when creating the .mpg.  I then fed the new .eli
> > through lavtrans to get an .avi.  The result was most odd.
> How did you combine the editlist files ? With a text editor ?
Yes.  I put in the path and the following selection lines.

> When you don't want to use:
> lav2yuv 1.eli 2.eli ... |
> than I would use:
> lavtrans 1.eli 2.eli ... n.eli -o combinded.eli
Good - I'll note that for later, thanks.

> That way you should also get a single file, you can encode.
> What commands did you use ?
> > It ran through the scenes from the first .eli, then, instead of
> > continuing to the second part, it re-ran the scenes from part one - but
> > in reverse order!
> I think there was something wrong, the way how you combined the files.
> For the other, mail, how did you create the mpeg ?
> And what was your input material. I'm clueless with your description.

I'm answering both at once here, and also telling you how I worked around it.  
Hopefully that will give you some idea of what was happening.

I finally have a working layout - completely working, but not without 

Originally the scene had been constructed like this:

lav2yuv 04_lijiang1.eli 04_lijiang2.eli fade4.avi | yuvscaler -O DVD | 
yuvdenoise | mpeg2enc -f 8 -I 1 -q 7 -o scene4.m2v
lav2wav 04_lijiang1.eli 04_lijiang2.eli fade4.avi | mp2enc -v 2 -o scene4.mp2
mplex -f 8 scene4a.m2v scene4a.mp2 -o scene4.mpg

and fade4 had been created with

ypipe -v 2 "lav2yuv -v 2 -o -25 04_lijiang2.eli" "lav2yuv -v 2 -f 25 
white_screen_large_sound.avi" | transist.flt -o 0 -O 255 -d 25 | yuv2lav -v 
0 -f a -q 80 -o Fade4.avi
lav2wav -R Fade4.avi > fade4.wav
lavaddwav Fade4.avi fade4.wav fade4.avi

All this is exactly how all the other, well-behaved, scenes had been 

In the first place I reconstructed the fade4.avi, then the whole mpg.  Nothing 
had changed.  By trial and error I discovered that if I left out the 
fade4.avi the resulting mpg would play throug then return to menu correctly.  
Adding back the fade4.avi resulted in a stop at the end of the scene.

As a workaround I then rebuilt the scene4.mpg without the fade4.avi, built 
fade4.avi into another mpg, and put them both together as one <pgc> group.  
Technically, of course, it's wrong, but practically, no-one will be aware of 
a one-second chapter, and it now behaves perfectly.

The practical problem is solved, but the mystery remains.


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