On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, E Chalaron wrote:

> I am sorry for what seems to be a recurent question but can not get the
> qtoy4m to compile.

        We can be recurring too - as in the recurring request for additional
        information :)

        What is the error - cut/paste or include the build/compile session.
        Perhaps also include the config.log file created when you ran

> I remember this to be solved by adding the devel libs of libquicktime
> but this time it does not seem to work.

        It could be a different problem - very hard to tell what is going on
        with "can not get the qtoy4m to compile" being the only info  we have.

        Could be a pkg-config issue, could be a libquicktime packaging issue
        (building from source avoids that issue at least), who knows?  

> Platform is opensuse 11.

        Builds fine on 10.3 - haven't bothered with 11.  Also builds on OSX
        10.6 in 64bit mode.

> In the same kind of issue I cant eithe compile (or use the binaries) of
> y4mscaler with error loading libmjpegtools-1.7.so.0, where I had the
> feeling I was on 1.9 :-(

        Your system may be 1.9 but the binary that you're trying to run was
        built on a system that had 1.7 at the time of the build - you need
        the same version of the library that was linked against at the time
        the y4mscaler binary was built.

        Steven Schultz

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