>         As you can imagine a program that relies on 'fast' mutex behaviour
>       will not function correctly on a system which uses 'error checking' 
>       (i.e. ownership) mutexes (the reverse case might work - I haven't 
>       tried it ;)).

A program the relies on undefined behaviour is broken.

>         The workaround is to override the brain damaged default with:

It's a very sane default because the performance difference is

> #ifdef __linux__

Far better is

if (defined __linux__) && defined(DEBUG_MUTEXES)

then you can build for debug or for performance as needed with a compile

Even better still for many applications is not using pthreads in the
first place. The fundamental models pthreads use are basically
'everything is shared, nothing is locked unless you remember to do so'
and there is no object access v locking validation.

In short it's got default behaviour of 'break invisibly'

Java at least tried to get chunks of this right.

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