>> I have been using mplex to "stitch together" m2v and mp2 files into an
>> editable stream.
>> First I use Projectx to clean up a Humax .ts file, then I use mplex to
>> multiplex them back together. A typical command line I would use is
>> mplex -f 8 -o file.mpg file.m2v file.mp2
>> This works a treat, unfortunetely, however, I now need to add subtitles
>> [file.sup and  / or file.sup.IFO]
>> Please, what is the best and easiest way to do this?
> I guess the people from the dvdauthor, or project X mailinglist can
> provide better help.

It's been some time since I added subtitles to a movie - and I didn't 
include many, so creating the pictures by hand and writing the 
spumux-file was not too much work.
Does your file contain the subtitles in a text-format or does it look 
more like pictures?

> Do you have a sample subtile file ? I don't have a sample. You probably
> need to convert the file.sup to something spumux understands.
> If they are in a suitable format you probably just multiplex them into
> the steam with spumux.

I think spumux is able to work with text-files as long as you also 
provide it with a font to use. It then should automatically render the 
text into the images to be included in the video.

I recommend reading the "handling text-based subtitles"-part from the 



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