(well first excuse me for the first email with not configured email service...)

I just started experimenting with mkgmap and hit a bug. 
When I try to compile map with --tdbfile switch and use overview-mapname option 
with text string instead of 8 digit number mkgmap create the project. The 
detail .img file is OK, but the overview .img and .tdb files both have a 
problem because there is wrong coded data.

In overview .img file (in this case Bulgaria.img):
    inner file names are not digits but the name BulgariaRGN, BulgariaLBL and 
so on.

In .tdb file there is an mistake. For easier explanation here is the dump from 
a quick hacked tdb file decoder:
##### 0x42 0x25(37) Overview
map:00000000 parent:00000000 latN:0x0000781f, lonE:0x0000a014, latS:0x0000501d, 
txt:Overview  Map

##### 0x4c 0x9a(154) Detail
map:35900001 parent:63240000 latN:0x0094711f, lonE:0x003c9e14, latS:0x00e4531d, 
txt:Bulgaria OpenStreetMap (35900001)

As you can see in section 0x42 the overview file is listed with number and 
parent both 00000000, in section 0x4c the parent number is the default map 
number 63240000.

In the applied patch I am trying to fix this behaviour by introducing new 
parameter overview-mapnumber to separate overview map name from the internal 
map number because MapSource allows to have overview and tdb file with text 
name instead of 8 digit number. 

Best Regards,
Anton Todorov


Attachment: mkgmap.patch
Description: Binary data

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