> If Paul used XAPI to extract a part of the country in order to build his 
> Garmin map then it's possible that his XAPI excerpt isn't complete. I've 
> been seeing more and more of this happening in South Wales where I'm 
> doing exactly that.
> It seems (from other comments here) that there's a known problem with 
> the various XAPI servers occasionally dropping a minute-diff and never 
> recovering. I've seen this happening since the switch to the 0.6 API: I 
> had never noticed it before that.
> I've been sent on bogus routes around Swansea (my home town) due to 
> small bits of roads going missing. I've got a partially missing 
> westbound carriageway on a dual carriageway in one particular case, I've 
> also spotted a missing urban one-way street and a few other cases.
> If Paul looks carefully, does he spot (on the Garmin) a missing 
> slip-road on a roundabout, responsible for there being no valid route 
> from one side of a dual carriageway? Worse is an apparently present 
> slip-road on a dual carriageway where the 'oneway' once pointed the 
> wrong way, but has been fixed on OSM at some point, but where the fix 
> was part of a minute-diff that the XAPI server dropped?

I thought that XAPI was totally buggered at the moment. I haven't been
able to use it for weeks (months?)

I am currently using:



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