It is good to have a more accurate mechanism for determining the optimal 
tile size but, imho, it is better to have a splitter that can handle the 
planet dump on more moderate machines. The advantages of more people 
providing Garmin maps outweigh the little extra handwork to get all the 
tiles rendered and still have reasonable large tile sizes. So I would 
really welcome a version of splitter that uses less memory.

People who are looking for (partially) hand optimized area lists can 
download them form (down to the 
bottom of that page).

Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
> Hi
>> What do people think? I'm happy to work on the above though I must
>> confess up front that my spare time is quite limited so please don't
>> expect too much too soon!
> It all sounds good. Well worth trying each idea out to see if it
> makes an improvement.
> Although the .get() is not used at the moment I thinks that counting
> the ways in each area may be more accurate, in which case you will
> need the node-ids again.
> I also have plans to remove the limitation that an element
> can only be in four areas.
> Regards,
> ..Steve
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