Hello List,

I'm still trying to pin down the "missing tooltips/blanking map" issue.
Here's what I managed to find so far. But now I'm sort of stuck.

I have a map that has the problem. Decreasing or increasing the map
boundaries would lose the problem. So instead I tried to find out if
there is certain data on the map that will trigger the problem, by going
through it with Splitter, then after running Splitter I would restore
the map size to the original boundaries. This will give you a partially
empty map, that will or will not have problems at the lower boundary.

At this moment, there's a single digit that will trigger the error:

Having (hexadecimal) 251000,25000 252280,33dbc (with map size
artificially restored to 251000,25000,255000,39000) will show all right
at the bottom;  251000,25000 252280,33dbd (map size restored as well)
will blank when you zoom into the bottom part.

These maps differ by about 55 nodes and 15 ways, which is still a bit
too much to go over by hand.

Does anyone have an idea about the next step? Would you like to get the
resulting osm map? (It's 1.1M large, I shal put it up for download
somewhere if someone is interested).

Attached is the script I ran, it's crude and silly and the texts are in
a strange language for most of you, but you get the idea of what I did.
The 0x251000 - 0x252280 latitude is derived from a previous run of the
script where I would change latitude instead of longitude.

If it is silly or plain stupid what I'm doing, please say so. I'm not
entirely sure anymore that this random grepping of data does any good
(while the only thing I was trying is to get the map to show at
boundaries on high zooming levels).

Also, as a side note, (and to complicate things) I'm seeing a ghost road
pop up at about 3.6663 lon 52.119140625 lat. It's a straight line that
runs down the boundary of the map, i.e. the road is larger than the map
boundary! As it is not 180 degrees down but a bit tilted, it is *not* a
longitude line. The line disappears when you zoom out, or go up or down
in the map. It shows up in maps that work (i.e. do not blank); when the
map blanks, I cannot find the line anywhere (i.e. probably the line
itself blanks out and when zoom level is lower so that the map is not
blanked, it's also too low to show this ghost road).

Any ideas appreciated.

Best regards,


Attachment: testscript2.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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