Hi Felix

>    Opening the .img in gpsmapedit shows me that level 5 is the last level at
>    resolution 15. Now having an empty overview map and seeing motorways and
>    coastline in level 15 in Mapsource I have to assume that the last level is
>    not empty (otherwise I could not see it in Mapsource).

But it is empty, therefore there must be some other reason
for what you see.

>    You can try if you find any other error:
>    maps are here: [3]http://openmtbmap.x-nation.de/maps/mtbaustria.7z.zip
>    contourlines here:
>    [4]http://openmtbmap.x-nation.de/maps/contourlines/srtm_austria.zip

I've had a look at those and can't see anything strange.

I noticed that the contours are generated with a very much earlier
version of mkgmap, before r1003.  Is there any possibility that
the problem goes back that far (mid April), as that changed
values that we don't really understand?

It would be easier if you could pin down the version where it
changed more precisely.


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