Hi Felix,
> I did not look into the patch, but does it mean that I could use in my 
> style-file the following:
> [0x01234 resolution 22]?
> And then off course add a definition for this type in my typfile.
> Or is there more that needs to be changed?

Actually, my knowledge of extended types is limited. The attached file
lists some extended codes. It may not be a complete listing, perhaps
more are supported?

Note that there are codes allocated for custom points, lines, and
areas. Perhaps you can use those?


;GPSmapper element types list
;RGN10 & RGN20 types-all types are two bytes, first byte is a major type byte, 
second byte is a subtype.
;WARNING-RGN10 can use both bytes, RGN20 can use only the first byte, so if we 
want-create a Dinning point on map, using RGN10 we can define if it has-be an 
Asian(0x2a02) or Chinese(0x2a04) but using RGN20 element we can only define it 
as a Dinning area(0x2a)-no subtype is allowed!
;YOU CAN MODIFY THIS FILE (ie. translate)-but keep the format of a single line 
;between hex type (0xYYYY) and name of element you must use TAB as separator!
;Hexadecimal Type       Name
;* RGN10 & RGN20                                                               *
[RGN10/20 types]
0x0100-0x0500   City name(Point, fat, big) 
0x0600-0x0A00   City name(Point, big) 
0x0B00  City name (Point, small) 
0x0C00  City name (Point, small) 
0x0D00  City name (Point, small) 
0x0E00-0x1100   City name(Point, big) 
0x1200  Marine info
0x1400-0x153F   Region name (no Point, big)
0x1E00-0x1E3F   Region name (no Point, middle)
0x210F  Exit(Service)
0x2000-0x203F   Exit
0x2100-0x213F   Exit(with facilities)
0x2200-0x223F   Exit(Restroom) 
0x2300-0x233F   Exit(Convenience Store)
0x2400-0x243F   Exit(Weight Station)
0x2500-0x253F   Exit(Tollbooth Booth)
0x2600-0x263F   Exit(Information) 
0x2700-0x273F   Exit
0x2800-0x283F   Region name (no Point, small)
0x2A00  Dining(Other) 
0x2A01  Dining(American) 
0x2A02  Dining(Asian) 
0x2A03  Dining(Barbecue) 
0x2A04  Dining(Chinese) 
0x2A05  Dining(Deli/Bakery) 
0x2A06  Dining(International) 
0x2A07  Fast Food
0x2A08  Dining(Italian) 
0x2A09  Dining(Mexican) 
0x2A0A  Dining(Pizza) 
0x2A0B  Dining(Sea Food)
0x2A0C  Dining(Steak/Grill) 
0x2A0D  Dining(Bagel/Donut) 
0x2A0E  Dining(Cafe/Diner) 
0x2A0F  Dining(French) 
0x2A10  Dining(German) 
0x2A11  Dining(British Isles)
0x2B00  Hotel(Other) 
0x2B01  Hotel/Motel
0x2B02  Bed & Breakfast inn
0x2B03  Camping/RV-Park
0x2B04  Resort
0x2C01  Amusement Park
0x2C02  Museum/History
0x2C03  Libraries
0x2C04  Land Mark
0x2C05  School
0x2C06  Park
0x2C07  Zoo
0x2C08  Sportpark, Stadium,(point)
0x2C09  Fair, Conference(point)
0x2C0A  Vine restaurant(point)
0x2C0B  Place of Worship
0x2C0C  Hot Spring
0x2D01  Theater
0x2D02  Bar
0x2D03  Cinema
0x2D04  Casino
0x2D05  Golf
0x2D06  Skiing Center
0x2D07  Bowling
0x2D08  Ice/Sporting
0x2D09  Swimming
0x2D0A  Sports(point)
0x2D0B  Sailing Airport
0x2E01  Department Store
0x2E02  Grocery
0x2E03  General Merchandiser
0x2E04  Shopping Center
0x2E05  Pharmacy
0x2E06  Convenience
0x2E07  Apparel
0x2E08  House and Garden
0x2E09  Home Furnishing
0x2E0a  Special Retail
0x2E0b  Computer/Software
0x2F00  generic service 
0x2F01  Fuel/Gas
0x2F02  Car Rental
0x2F03  Car Repair
0x2F04  Airport
0x2F05  Post Office
0x2F06  Bank
0x2F07  Car Dealer(point)
0x2F08  Bus Station
0x2F09  Marina
0x2F0A  Wrecker Service
0x2F0B  Parking
0x2F0C  Restroom
0x2F0D  Automobile Club
0x2F0E  Car Wash
0x2F0F  Garmin Dealer
0x2F10  Personal Service
0x2F11  Business Service
0x2F12  Communication
0x2F13  Repair Service
0x2F14  Social Service
0x2F15  Utility
0x2F16  Truck Stop
0x3000  generic emergency/government
0x3001  Police Station
0x3002  Hospital
0x3003  Public Office
0x3004  Justice
0x3005  Concert hall(point)
0x3006  Border Station(point)
0x4000-0x403F   Golf
0x4100-0x413F   Fish
0x4200-0x423F   Wreck
0x4300-0x433F   Marina
0x4400-0x443F   Gas
0x4500-0x453F   Restaurant
0x4600-0x463F   Bar
0x4700-0x473F   Boat Ramp
0x4800-0x483F   Camping
0x4900-0x493F   Park
0x4A00-0x4A3F   Picnic Area
0x4B00-0x4B3F   Hospital
0x4C00-0x4C3F   Information
0x4D00-0x4D3F   Parking
0x4E00-0x4E3F   Restroom
0x4F00-0x4F3F   Shower
0x5000-0x503F   Drinking Water
0x5100-0x513F   Telephone
0x5200-0x523F   Scenic Area
0x5300-0x533F   Skiing
0x5400-0x543F   Swimming
0x5500-0x553F   Dam
0x5700-0x573F   Danger Area
0x5800-0x583F   restricted Area
0x5900  Generic Airport
0x5901  Large Airport
0x5902  Medium Airport
0x5903  Small Airport
0x5904  Heliport
0x5905-0x593F   Airport
0x5D00-0x5D3F   Daymark,Green Square
0x5E00-0x5E3F   Daymark,Red Triangle
0x6200  Depth with point in feet one decimal place
0x6300  Height without point in feet no decimal place
0x6400  Manmade Feature
0x6401  Bridge
0x6402  Building
0x6403  Cemetery
0x6404  Church
0x6405  Civil
0x6406  Crossing
0x6407  Dam
0x6408  Hospital
0x6409  Levee
0x640A  Locale
0x640B  Military
0x640C  Mine
0x640D  Oil Field
0x640E  Park
0x640F  Post
0x6410  School
0x6411  Tower
0x6412  Trail
0x6413  Tunnel
0x6414  Drink water
0x6415  Ghost Town 
0x6416  Subdivision
0x6500  Water Feature
0x6501  Arroyo
0x6502  Sand Bar
0x6503  Bay
0x6504  Bend
0x6505  Canal
0x6506  Channel
0x6507  Cove
0x6508  Falls
0x6509  Geyser
0x650A  Glacier
0x650B  Harbour
0x650C  Island
0x650D  Lake
0x650E  Rapids
0x650F  Reservoir
0x6510  Sea
0x6511  Spring
0x6512  Stream
0x6513  Swamp
0x6600  Land Feature
0x6601  Arch
0x6602  Area
0x6603  Basin
0x6604  Beach
0x6605  Bench
0x6606  Cape
0x6607  Cliff
0x6608  Crater
0x6609  Flat
0x660A  Forest
0x660B  Gap
0x660C  Gut
0x660D  Isthmus
0x660E  Lava
0x660F  Pillar
0x6610  Plain
0x6611  Range
0x6612  Reserve
0x6613  Ridge
0x6614  Rock
0x6615  Slope
0x6616  Summit
0x6617  Valley
0x6618  Woods
0x1C00  unclassified Obstruction
0x1C01  Wreck
0x1C02  submerged Wreck, dangerous
0x1C03  submerged Wreck, non-dangerous
0x1C04  Wreck, cleared by Wire-drag
0x1C05  Obstruction, visible at high Water
0x1C06  Obstruction, awash
0x1C07  Obstruction, submerged
0x1C08  Obstruction, cleared by Wire-drag
0x1C09  Rock, awash
0x1C0A  Rock, submerged at low Water
0x1C0B  Sounding
0x1D01  Tide Prediction
0x1B01  Fog Horn
0x1A01  Fog Horn
0x1901  Fog Horn
0x1801  Fog Horn
0x1701  Fog Horn
0x1601  Fog Horn
0x1B02  Radio Beacon
0x1A02  Radio Beacon
0x1902  Radio Beacon
0x1802  Radio Beacon
0x1702  Radio Beacon
0x1602  Radio Beacon
0x1B03  Racon
0x1A03  Racon
0x1903  Racon
0x1803  Racon
0x1703  Racon
0x1603  Racon
0x1B04  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1A04  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1904  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1804  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1704  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1604  Daybeacon, red Triangle
0x1B05  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1A05  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1905  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1805  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1705  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1605  Daybeacon, green Square
0x1B06  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1A06  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1906  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1806  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1706  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1606  Daybeacon, white Diamond
0x1B07  unlit Navaid, white
0x1A07  unlit Navaid, white
0x1907  unlit Navaid, white
0x1807  unlit Navaid, white
0x1707  unlit Navaid, white
0x1607  unlit Navaid, white
0x1B08  unlit Navaid, red
0x1A08  unlit Navaid, red
0x1908  unlit Navaid, red
0x1808  unlit Navaid, red
0x1708  unlit Navaid, red
0x1608  unlit Navaid, red
0x1B09  unlit Navaid, green
0x1A09  unlit Navaid, green
0x1909  unlit Navaid, green
0x1809  unlit Navaid, green
0x1709  unlit Navaid, green
0x1609  unlit Navaid, green
0x1B0A  unlit Navaid, black
0x1A0A  unlit Navaid, black
0x190A  unlit Navaid, black
0x180A  unlit Navaid, black
0x170A  unlit Navaid, black
0x160A  unlit Navaid, black
0x1B0B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1A0B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x190B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x180B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x170B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x160B  unlit Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1B0C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x1A0C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x190C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x180C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x170C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x160C  unlit Navaid, orange
0x1B0D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x1A0D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x190D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x180D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x170D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x160D  unlit Navaid, multi colored
0x1B0E  Navaid, unknown
0x1A0E  Navaid, unknown
0x190E  Navaid, unknown
0x180E  Navaid, unknown
0x170E  Navaid, unknown
0x160E  Navaid, unknown
0x1B0F  lighted Navaid, white
0x1A0F  lighted Navaid, white
0x190F  lighted Navaid, white
0x180F  lighted Navaid, white
0x170F  lighted Navaid, white
0x160F  lighted Navaid, white
0x1B10  lighted Navaid, red
0x1A10  lighted Navaid, red
0x1910  lighted Navaid, red
0x1810  lighted Navaid, red
0x1710  lighted Navaid, red
0x1610  lighted Navaid, red
0x1B11  lighted Navaid, green
0x1A11  lighted Navaid, green
0x1911  lighted Navaid, green
0x1811  lighted Navaid, green
0x1711  lighted Navaid, green
0x1611  lighted Navaid, green
0x1B12  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1A12  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1912  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1812  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1712  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1612  lighted Navaid, yellow or amber
0x1B13  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1A13  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1913  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1813  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1713  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1613  lighted Navaid, orange
0x1B14  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1A14  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1914  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1814  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1714  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1614  lighted Navaid, violet
0x1B15  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1A15  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1915  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1815  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1715  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1615  lighted Navaid, blue
0x1B16  lighted Navaid, multi colored
0x1A16  lighted Navaid, multi colored
0x1916  lighted Navaid, multi colored
0x1816  lighted Navaid, multi colored
0x1716  lighted Navaid, multi colored
0x1616  lighted Navaid, multi colored
;* Extended types (marine & custom) - points                                   *
0x010100        light
0x010102        light with north topmark
0x010103        light with south topmark
0x010104        light with east topmark
0x010105        light with west topmark
0x010106        isolated danger light
0x010107        port hand light
0x010108        starboard hand light
0x010109        special purpose light
0x01010a        safe water light
0x010200        buoy
0x010201        buoy
0x010202        buoy with north topmark
0x010203        buoy with south topmark
0x010204        buoy with east topmark
0x010205        buoy with west topmark  
0x010206        beacon
0x010207        spar buoy
0x010208        isolated danger buoy
0x010209        port hand buoy
0x01020a        starboard hand buoy
0x01020b        special purpose buoy
0x01020c        safe water buoy
0x01020d        platform buoy
0x01020e        beacon with north topmark
0x01020f        beacon with south north topmark
0x010210        beacon with east topmark
0x010211        beacon with west topmark
0x010212        isolated danger beacon
0x010213        port hand beacon
0x010214        starboard hand beacon
0x010215        special purpose beacon
0x010216        mooring buoy
0x010217        fix point       
0x010218        pole
0x010300        depth point
0x010301        depth point invisible
0x010302        depth point underscore
0x010303        spot height
0x010304        building
0x010305        chimney
0x010306        church
0x010307        tanks
0x010308        tower
0x010309        rock
0x01030a        triangulation point
0x01030b        radio mast
0x010400        isolated danger
0x010401        obstruction
0x010402        wreck
0x010403        exposed wreck
0x010404        well
0x010405        foul
0x010406        explosive
0x010407        fish haven
0x010408        obstruction that covers
0x010409        marine farm
0x01040a        dangerous rock
0x01040b        no bottom found
0x01040c        exposed rock
0x01040d        dangerous rock
0x01040e        underwater rock
0x01040f        shoal
0x010500        label point
0x010600        bottom conditions
0x010700        misc point
0x010701        recommended anchorage
0x010702        pilot boarding place
0x010703        yach harbor
0x010704        pile
0x010705        anchoring prohibited
0x010706        fishing prohibited
0x010707        precautionary area
0x010708        radio report point
0x010709        anchorage berths
0x01070a        rescue station
0x01070b        fishing harbor
0x01070c        airport
0x010800        information
0x010901        label
0x010902        fishing information
0x010903        facility 

0x011500        custom point 1
0x011501        custom point 2
0x011502        custom point 3
0x011503        custom point 4
0x011504        custom point 5
0x011505        custom point 6
0x011506        custom point 7
0x011507        custom point 8
0x011508        custom point 9
0x011509        custom point a
0x01150a        custom point b
0x01150b        custom point c
0x01150c        custom point d
0x01150d        custom point e
0x01150e        custom point f
0x01150f        custom point 10
0x011510        custom point 11
0x011511        custom point 12
0x011512        custom point 13
0x011513        custom point 14
0x011514        custom point 15
0x011515        custom point 16
0x011516        custom point 17
0x011517        custom point 18
0x011518        custom point 19
0x011519        custom point 1a
0x01151a        custom point 1b
0x01151b        custom point 1c
0x01151c        custom point 1d
0x01151d        custom point 1e
0x01151e        custom point 1f
0x01151f        custom point 20
0x011600        custom point 21
0x011601        custom point 22
0x011602        custom point 23
0x011603        custom point 24
0x011604        custom point 25
0x011605        custom point 26
0x011606        custom point 27
0x011607        custom point 28
0x011608        custom point 29
0x011609        custom point 2a
0x01160a        custom point 2b
0x01160b        custom point 2c
0x01160c        custom point 2d
0x01160d        custom point 2e
0x01160e        custom point 2f
0x01160f        custom point 30
0x011610        custom point 31
0x011611        custom point 32
0x011612        custom point 33
0x011613        custom point 34
0x011614        custom point 35
0x011615        custom point 36
0x011616        custom point 37
0x011617        custom point 38
0x011618        custom point 39
0x011619        custom point 3a
0x01161a        custom point 3b
0x01161b        custom point 3c
0x01161c        custom point 3d
0x01161d        custom point 3e
0x01161e        custom point 3f
0x01161f        custom point 40
[END-RGN10/20 types]

;* RGN40                                                                       *
;Routable types are: 0x01 - 0x13, 0x16, 0x1a, 0x1b
[RGN40 types]
0x01    Major HWY thick 
0x02    Principal HWY-thick 
0x03    Principal HWY-medium
0x04    Arterial Road -medium
0x05    Arterial Road-thick
0x06    Road-thin
0x07    Alley-thick
0x08    Ramp
0x09    Ramp
0x0a    Unpaved Road-thin
0x0b    Major HWY Connector-thick
0x0c    Roundabout
0x0d    Custom routable road 1
0x0e    Custom routable road 2
0x0f    Custom routable road 3
0x10    Custom routable road 4
0x11    Custom routable road 5
0x12    Custom routable road 6
0x13    Custom routable road 7
0x14    Railroad
0x15    Shoreline
0x16    Trail
0x18    Stream-thin
0x19    Time-Zone
0x1a    Ferry
0x1b    Ferry
0x1c    Political Boundary
0x1d    County Boundary
0x1e    Intl. Boundary
0x1f    River
0x20    Land Contour (thin) Height in feet
0x21    Land Contour (medium) Height in feet
0x22    Land Contour (thick) Height in feet
0x23    Depth Contour (thin) Depth in feet
0x24    Depth Contour (medium) Depth in feet
0x25    Depth Contour (thick) Depth in feet
0x26    Intermittent River 
0x27    Airport Runway
0x28    Pipeline
0x29    Powerline
0x2a    Marine Boundary (no line) 
0x2b    Marine Hazard (no line) 
;* Extended types (marine & custom) - lines                                    *
0x010100        misc line
0x010101        line
0x010102        cartographic line
0x010103        road
0x010104        clearing line
0x010105        contour line
0x010106        overhead cable
0x010107        bridge
0x010108        recommended route
0x010109        chart border
0x010300        depth contour
0x010301        depth contour value
0x010400        obstruction
0x010401        submarine cable
0x010402        submarine pipeline
0x010403        pile barrier
0x010404        fishing stakes
0x010405        supply pipeline
0x010406        submarine cable
0x010407        dumping ground
0x010408        explosive dumping ground
0x010409        danger
0x01040a        overhead cable
0x01040b        submerged construction
0x01040c        pier/jetty
0x010500        restriction
0x010501        anchoring prohibited
0x010502        fishing prohibited
0x010503        prohibited area
0x010504        military practice area
0x010505        anchoring and fishing prohibited
0x010506        limit of nature reservat
0x010507        restricted area
0x010508        minefield
0x010600        misc line
0x010601        cartographic line
0x010602        traffic separation line
0x010603        international maritime boundary
0x010604        straight territorial sea baseline
0x010605        seaward limit of territorial sea
0x010606        anchorage area
0x010607        quarantine anchorage area
0x010608        fishery zone
0x010609        swept area
0x010701        river channel
0x010702        submerged object

0x010e00        custom line 1
0x010e01        custom line 2
0x010e02        custom line 3
0x010e03        custom line 4
0x010e04        custom line 5
0x010e05        custom line 6
0x010e06        custom line 7
0x010e07        custom line 8
0x010e08        custom line 9
0x010e09        custom line a
0x010e0a        custom line b
0x010e0b        custom line c
0x010e0c        custom line d
0x010e0d        custom line e
0x010e0e        custom line f
0x010e0f        custom line 10
0x010e10        custom line 11
0x010e11        custom line 12
0x010e12        custom line 13
0x010e13        custom line 14
0x010e14        custom line 15
0x010e15        custom line 16
0x010e16        custom line 17
0x010e17        custom line 18
0x010e18        custom line 19
0x010e19        custom line 1b
0x010e1a        custom line 1b
0x010e1b        custom line 1c
0x010e1c        custom line 1d
0x010e1d        custom line 1e
0x010e1e        custom line 1f
0x010e1f        custom line 20
0x010f00        custom line 21
0x010f01        custom line 22
0x010f02        custom line 23
0x010f03        custom line 24
0x010f04        custom line 25
0x010f05        custom line 26
0x010f06        custom line 27
0x010f07        custom line 28
0x010f08        custom line 29
0x010f09        custom line 2a
0x010f0a        custom line 2b
0x010f0b        custom line 2c
0x010f0c        custom line 2d
0x010f0d        custom line 2e
0x010f0e        custom line 2f
0x010f0f        custom line 30
0x010f10        custom line 31
0x010f11        custom line 32
0x010f12        custom line 33
0x010f13        custom line 34
0x010f14        custom line 35
0x010f15        custom line 36
0x010f16        custom line 37
0x010f17        custom line 38
0x010f18        custom line 39
0x010f19        custom line 3b
0x010f1a        custom line 3b
0x010f1b        custom line 3c
0x010f1c        custom line 3d
0x010f1d        custom line 3e
0x010f1e        custom line 3f
0x010f1f        custom line 40
[END-RGN40 types]
;* RGN80                                                                       *
[RGN80 types]
0x01    City
0x02    City
0x03    City
0x04    Military
0x05    Parking Lot
0x06    Parking Garage
0x07    Airport
0x08    Shopping Center
0x09    Marina
0x0a    University
0x0b    Hospital
0x0c    Industrial
0x0d    Reservation
0x0e    Airport Runway
0x13    Man made area
0x14    National park
0x15    National park
0x16    National park
0x17    City Park
0x18    Golf
0x19    Sport
0x1a    Cemetery
0x1e    State Park
0x1f    State Park
0x28    Ocean
0x3b    Blue-Unknown
0x32    Sea
0x3b    Blue-Unknown
0x3c    Lake
0x3d    Lake
0x3e    Lake
0x3f    Lake
0x40    Lake
0x41    Lake
0x42    Lake
0x43    Lake
0x44    Lake
0x45    Blue-Unknown
0x46    River
0x47    River
0x48    River
0x49    River
0x4b    Background
0x4c    Intermittent River/Lake
0x4d    Glaciers
0x4e    Scrub
0x4f    Orchard or plantation
0x50    Woods
0x51    Wetland
0x52    Tundra
0x53    Flats
;* Extended types (marine & custom) - polygons                                 *
0x010100        land - white
0x010101        land - non-urban
0x010102        land - urban
0x010103        chart exclusion area
0x010104        chart background
0x010105        bridge
0x010300        depth area - white 1
0x010301        intertidal zone
0x010302        depth area - blue 1
0x010303        depth area - blue 2
0x010304        depth area - blue 3
0x010305        depth area - blue 4
0x010306        depth area - blue 5
0x010307        depth area - white
0x010400        obstruction (invisible)
0x010401        submarine cable (invisible)
0x010402        submarine pipeline (invisible)
0x010403        pile barrier (invisible)
0x010404        fishing stakes (invisible)
0x010405        supply pipeline area/line (invisible)
0x010406        submarine cable area/line (invisible)
0x010407        dumping ground (invisible)
0x010408        explosive dumping ground (invisible)
0x010409        danger line (invisible)
0x01040a        overhead cable (invisible)
0x01040b        submerged construction (invisible)
0x01040c        pier/jetty (invisible)
0x010500        restriction area/line (invisible)
0x010501        anchoring prohibited (invisible)
0x010502        fishing prohibited (invisible)
0x010503        prohibited area (invisible)
0x010504        military practice area (invisible)
0x010505        anchoring and fishing prohibited (invisible)
0x010506        limit of nature reservat (invisible)
0x010507        restricted area (invisible)
0x010508        minefield (invisible)
0x010600        depth area
0x010601        depth area
0x010602        depth area
0x010603        depth area
0x010604        depth area
0x010605        depth area
0x010606        depth area
0x010607        depth area
0x010608        depth area
0x010609        depth area
0x010701        fishing area 
0x010704        map background area

0x010f00        custom area 1
0x010f01        custom area 2
0x010f02        custom area 3
0x010f03        custom area 4
0x010f04        custom area 5
0x010f05        custom area 6
0x010f06        custom area 7
0x010f07        custom area 8
0x010f08        custom area 9
0x010f09        custom area 10
0x010f0a        custom area 11
0x010f0b        custom area 12
0x010f0c        custom area 13
0x010f0d        custom area 14
0x010f0e        custom area 15
0x010f0f        custom area 16
0x010f10        custom area 17
0x010f11        custom area 18
0x010f12        custom area 19
0x010f13        custom area 20
0x010f14        custom area 21
0x010f15        custom area 22
0x010f16        custom area 23
0x010f17        custom area 24
0x010f18        custom area 25
0x010f19        custom area 26
0x010f1a        custom area 27
0x010f1b        custom area 28
0x010f1c        custom area 29
0x010f1d        custom area 30
0x010f1e        custom area 31
0x010f1f        custom area 32
0x011000        custom area 33
0x011001        custom area 34
0x011002        custom area 35
0x011003        custom area 36
0x011004        custom area 37
0x011005        custom area 38
0x011006        custom area 39
0x011007        custom area 40
0x011008        custom area 41
0x011009        custom area 42
0x01100a        custom area 43
0x01100b        custom area 44
0x01100c        custom area 45
0x01100d        custom area 46
0x01100e        custom area 47
0x01100f        custom area 48
0x011010        custom area 49
0x011011        custom area 50
0x011012        custom area 51
0x011013        custom area 52
0x011014        custom area 53
0x011015        custom area 54
0x011016        custom area 55
0x011017        custom area 56
0x011018        custom area 57
0x011019        custom area 58
0x01101a        custom area 59
0x01101b        custom area 60
0x01101c        custom area 61
0x01101d        custom area 62
0x01101e        custom area 63
0x01101f        custom area 64
[END-RGN80 types]

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