Hi Marko,

MM> Are you caching the command line parameters and the file sizes and
MM> time stamps of all input files?  That should be rather safe.  To be
MM> even safer, you should perhaps also cache the splitter revision
MM> number.

Yes I cache the file size, timestamp, and canonical path of each .osm input 
file. I don't cache the command line parameters because they don't affect 
the content of the cache. The cache is really just an optimised copy of the 
input .osm files.

I don't take the splitter revision number into account however if I need 
to make a breaking change to the cache file format, my intention is to add 
version numbering to the cache format itself rather than use the splitter 
version. That way new versions of the splitter won't require the cache to 
be regenerated unless there has been a breaking change to the cache format.


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