Hi, Mark

>>/ But i discovered that neither the flashing nor the morsing  works in 
/>>/ Mapsource or in my 60csx . I guess these functions are only avaiable 
/>>/ with special marine gps of Garmin.
/Sorry, my statement was not clear.
I meant that i don't see any flashing or morsing (flashing or beeping) in GPS 
or MS.

>No, they should certainly be visible in mapsource (I am using 6.15.6).
>My etrex also does show marine stuff. So if you are using a recent
>mapsource and stuff isn't showing up, perhaps I have made a mistake and
>something needs fixing?

They are visible in MS and in my 60csx too, so mkgmap works fine.

>The morse and flash info only shows up in mapsource if you look at the
>POI properties dialog.

Yeah i've already seen this like the note.
But as i mentioned above, i thought, that may be their would be really a 
flashing light visible.
But may be this works only with special Garmin marine Gps or it is a 
missunderstanding by myself of cgpsmapper manual.
My interpretation of e.g. page 40 cgpsmapper manual Ver 2.4.5 
"If the value is a letter, then the light type is set to 0x0b(Morse code) and 
letter is used as a Morse code letter."
was, that then the light is flashing in GPS and/or MS with this code and not 
"only" an information written in the poi properties


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