On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 08:14:43PM +0100, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
> Hi
> As an aside, I always planned to have lists of values which might
> be useful in this case.  Eg. the following
> > #set mkgmap_surface values to either paved or unpaved
> > highway=*&  surface=asphalt       {set mkgmap_surface=paved ...
> > highway=*&  surface=cobblestone   {set mkgmap_surface=paved ...
> > highway=*&  surface=concrete      {set mkgmap_surface=paved ...
> could be represented by
>    highway=* & surface=(asphalt, cobblestone, concrete, ...) {set 
> mkgmap_surface=paved
> (or with the keyword 'in' instead of = perhaps)
> does that sound useful?

It would shorten some rules, such as this rule from my patch
for bus/railway/tram stop names:

(highway=bus_stop | railway=tram_stop | railway=halt | railway=station)
& (shelter=yes | covered=yes)
{ name '${name|def:} ${ref|def:}+${operator|def:}'; }

If you allowed the same syntax for keys, this rule would shorten to

(highway=bus_stop | railway={tram_stop,halt,station}) & {shelter,covered}=yes

Above, I used the {,} syntax that is familiar from tcsh and bash.
The (,) or (|) syntax could be easier to implement in the grammar.

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