*First of all Mapsource >=6.14.1 is not affected. Problem exists on <=6.13.7. And my Vista HCx crashes on trying to zoom into this map and restarts. (this is after a master reset, so it's the map not the GPS). I do assume that Nuvi and other modern units will take the maps without crashing.

I have not found out which polygon is responsible for this, and I don't really understand it. The problem may be partly related to the extended types, but the extended types themselves are not the reason for Mapsource crashing on certain zoomlevels. You can download the broken tile here and look at it to find out if you find the problem.
What I found out so far:
I am using the following "problematic" lines in my style-file:

leisure=* & fixme!=yes & import!=* [0x2a resolution 24] tourism=* & fixme!=yes & import!=* [0x2b resolution 24] sport=* & fixme!=yes & import!=* &sport!=skiing &sport!=ski [0x2c resolution 24] landuse=* & landuse!=commercial & fixme!=yes & import!=* [0x2d resolution 24] natural=* & fixme!=yes & import!=* [0x2e resolution 24] amenity=* & fixme!=yes & import!=* [0x2f resolution 24]

1. If I drop these lines (which not include extended polygons everything runs fine)

2. Using them AND using a typfile with extended polygon types mapsource will not pan over this tile from 1-3km resolution (medium detail) --> notice that the problematic lines in question are not even supposed to be included in level 20 (=mapsource 1-3km).

3. Without Typfile or with typfile without definitions of extended polygon types everything is allright and I can pan over this tile.

You can download the tile including typfile from here for analysis, and if you feel brave tryout also on GPS (mine crashes but no damage, your mileage may vary): *_http://openmtbmap.org/downloads/gmapsupp.zip_* It is crashing if I put map-detail on GPS to medium, zoom in to 2km or 1.2km, and then try to pan through the tile from northern tileborder (middle between east/west) to the south. In the south of the map 2km zoom level is perfectly fine, also on the side boarders (the area broken in Mapsource is the same where the gps crashes).

Maybe the problem is completely unrelated to the extended types, but I think it has something to do with the extended types.

Everyone intending to use extended types for Polygons please keep care. Mapsource will not zoom and pan the map upon putting some extended polygon types into the map.

*Breaking Mapsource panning completely, also breaks routing:*
Will also break Mapsource panning without typfile if present. Don't ever use theese types. (and probabely many others).

*Working without problem (as far as I can tell).*

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