Chris Miller wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I'd used Ralf's osm file as a test case to solve this problem, but seems 
> like even that didn't go far enough. I have no idea why but the numbers in 
> your file contain several digits more precision than a 64bit floating point 
> number can even represent. I've added another check so that any digits beyond 
> what is sane are now safely ignored. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for 
> letting me know. It should be solid now but if you still have a problem 
> please 
> send through your test file and I'll take another look.
> Chris

That did the trick. Whilst running I received quite a few of the following

Node encountered with missing data. Bad/corrupt osm file? id=1000446803,
lat=52.552916666666668, lon=null. Ignoring this node

Examination of this node reveals that the data is indeed corrupt as it
has no longitude value:-

<node id="1000446803" lat="52.552916666666668" />



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