On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Chris Miller<chris.mil...@kbcfp.com> wrote:
> Nice idea! I'll put that on the todo list for incorporating into the splitter,
> sounds like a very useful feature to add. What might be even better is if
> I use those webservices to generate a data file that can be distributed with
> the splitter itself, so people don't need to have an internet connection
> when splitting. The static lookup could also be customised to suit individual
> needs if so desired.

GeoNames does provide downloadable files for offline use. (Many people
seem to import the data into a MySQL or PostgreSQL DB for faster
access and queries.) See http://download.geonames.org/export/

The complete allCountries.zip file is about 175MB though.

I wonder if the splitter could perform this analysis while splitting
the OSM data? The data should all be in the relevant .osm file. Of
course if this significantly reduces performance or increases memory
requirements, then it's not a good idea.

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