>> The SRTM OSM file was made with srtm2osm, the IMG with mkgmap 1182.
> BTW:
> The problem does not exist in mkgmap r986. I processed the same source file
> and all contours are properly closed.

I know that there some thime ago there was some error in the douglas 
peucker code, which drops the first or last segment of a polygon. A 
solution was discussed, but I'm not sure, if this solution has found its 
way into the trunk.

I'm a little out of date with my working revisions, so I can't tell at 
the moment, but if I find some time, I will update my local copies and 
test this point.

Is it possible to do checkins for everyone or only to the core 
developers? (In fact I prefer not to checkin by myself, because this 
means a second pair of eyes looking over the patches)


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