On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 07:15:04PM +0100, Charlie Ferrero wrote:
> Is there any simple way to add some logic to make sure a tile doesn't 
> span two continents (e.g. Brazil and Namibia, in the KML example you 
> sent, or Nicaragua and the Antarctic)?  I hope I'm not unique in wanting 
> my tiles to be associated with geographical regions, at least vaguely!

And is there a way to extend that logic to take smaller seas in account?
For example, it would not be practical to have southern Finland in the
same tile with Sweden or Estonia, because there only are ferry or
flight connections between the regions.  (OK, you could drive as well,
but it would be an impractically long trip.)

Could this perhaps be achieved with some splitting constraints?  For
example, input a set of tiles from the user, and split them further
as needed?

Best regards,

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