Hello list,

I just want to produce a garmin map, where you can see all adresses
tagged in osm, even the adresses on a building polygon for example too.

So I used the --add-pois-to-areas option and wrote just one line in the
points style file:
addr:housenumber=* {name '${name} (${addr:street} ${addr:housenumber})'
| '${addr:street} ${addr:housenumber}'} [0x7100 resolution 24]

I hoped that there would be nodes at the place of building-polygons
tagged with adresses but it isn't so.
I can see just the nodes that were tagged as nodes.

What is the problem? Does the --add-pois-to-areas option ignore adress
information? Is it possible to change that in a way?

Thanks and sorry for my bad english...

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