Mark Burton wrote:

O.k. so where do I find the other values?
Well, if you said not only =no has an effect, what happens to access=destination or access=private - AFAIK Garmin only accepts yes or no, so which of the values (permissive, private, delivery...) is taken for "no". Or put differently, which value other than "no" will block the road for a given mode of transport?

What other values?

Actually can I delete some access mapping lines if I don't want them - this would be easier than working with action rules.

So if I crunch the below list down to

# new AccessMapping("access", RoadNetwork.NO_MAX), // must be first in list
#        new AccessMapping("bicycle",    RoadNetwork.NO_BIKE),
#        new AccessMapping("foot",       RoadNetwork.NO_FOOT),

Do I then achieve my goal of not needing to give action rules like
motorcar!=yes | motorcycle!=yes {set access=yes; set motorcar=yes; set motorcycle=yes; set ...}
Or will this break mkgmap?

Sorry, I'm being thick - I don't understand what you want to achieve -
please describe the desired result in (English!) words.
I want that mkgmap takes no action in case of motorcar=no, or motorcycle=no, and only set restrictions if: access=no/private & ( bicycle!=* foot!=*) --- / bicycle=no/private --- / foot=no/private (In order to use motorcar/motorcycle setting in GPS for bicycling/walking because the respective profiles in the GPS are useless for bicycle/foot autorouting. - Therefore I need mkgmap to drop any restrictions that only apply to motor vehicles)

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