
Steve Ratcliffe schrieb:
> On 29/10/09 00:19, Nop wrote:
>> While trying to build a routable map from the planetfile for Germany
>> with a slightly modified default style, I receive the following exception:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>           at
>> uk.me.parabola.tdbfmt.OverviewMapBlock.setArea(OverviewMapBlock.java:100)
>>           at
>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.combiners.TdbBuilder.addToTdb(TdbBuilder.java:114)

>> What does this mean? What can i do about it?
> Are you doing *.img and including a osmmap_mdr.img ?  That would cause 
> the problem, as would an incomplete ordinary .img file.

No, there is no osmmap_mdr.img. There are 24 .img that were created from 
as many splitter output files in the same session. So I guess one of 
them must be incomplete. But there were no other exceptions or warnings.

Is there a way to increase the warning level?

Is there a simple way to check the validity/completeness of the 
individual .img output files?

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