On Nov 11, 2009, at 23:56, Felix Hartmann wrote:

> My command looks like this:
> ....... | '${name} 
> ${extremecarver${mtb:scale}${mtb:scale:uphill}|highway-symbol:box:6:5}' | 
> .....
> ${extremecarver} is set via the relations file, mtb:scale and 
> mtb:scale:uphill are from osm data. ${extremecarver} is a three letter code 
> and mtb:scale / mtb:scale/uphill single digits (0-5).
> However the above will not work but instead the whole line is dropped and 
> even the naming will be incorrect - while it does work if I don't try to put 
> it into a highway symbol. 
> | '${name} ${extremecarver}${mtb:scale}${mtb:scale:uphill}' |

I think the parser cannot deal with the nesting of other variables in 
${extremecarver...}. That is why the second example works, with all three 
examples separate.

Now, if I recall correctly, the highway symbol code always needs to be the 
first character in a label. If this is true, the following should work:


This will work provided the mtb:... tags do not contain any spaces, and 
extremecarver fulfills the 6:5 criterium. (Note that I also removed the name at 
the beginning, because that would prevent the shield from being displayed. Put 
that in the display_name or something.)

Does this help?

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