That does the trick perfectly! (And it should even keep the name for 
routing etc. Didnt test that though)
Thanks, Felix!

Felix Hartmann wrote:
> If you use a typfile, you can surpress labels by type.
> On 02.12.2009 08:33, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 05:14:08PM +1100, Ben wrote:
>>> Is there a smart way to have mkgmap explicitly setting an empty name for
>>> lines?
>>> - when I use [default_name ''] the name is filled with some odd content,
>>> in my case "Castle Hill Police"...
>>> - when I use [default_name ' '] the name is filled with the expected
>>> space, but this causes a black rectangle to appear instead of a label
>> When the name is missing, my Edge 705 usually says "Jälki" (the Finnish
>> for "Trace" or "Track") for cycleways, footways and highway=service.
>> I do not know of a way to assign a "null" name in mkgmap, other than
>> omitting the "name" or "default_name" action.
>>> background:
>>> the setting on Garmin devices (I am testing on a 60CSx) "Max Zoom:
>>> Street Label"
>>> doesnt seem to work properly fro some ways: even if set to "off", some
>>> street labels are still shown, e.g. steps and cycleways.
>>> This clutters up the map, so I want to suppress names for those types of
>>> ways.
>> This is another example of it being impossible to satisfy everyone's
>> needs with a single map.  As a bicyclist, I very much appreciate having
>> street names on cycleways that are running next to a highway.  In that way,
>> the turn directions become more meaningful.
>> Would it be possible to hide names in a map overlay?  Say, have several
>> overlays on the base layer:
>> * contour lines
>> * highlighting of paths that are not for (motor) vehicle use:
>>   * hiking
>>   * mountain biking
>>   * horse riding
>> * routes and stops for public transportation
>> * motor vehicle overlay (hiding some names and the like)
>> If the Garmin routing subsystem could utilize data from map overlays
>> (can it?), the motor_vehicle=no stuff could be omitted from the base
>> layer and the desired overlays enabled by the user on a case-by-case
>> basis.  For example, mountain bikers and "normal" bicyclists would
>> prefer different routes and select different map overlays.
>> Best regards,
>>      Marko
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