Hadmut Danisch schrieb:
> Yup, these maps work. :-)

AIO should too.
I have no problems on a Vista Cx, Firmware 3.40, 8 GByte microSD Card and
the 20091205 version of the german AIO map. Should still be available at:

As you seem to be on Unix: Put the eTrex into Mass Storage Mode,
mount the eTrex (automatically mounts to /media/disk here (vfat)),
then copy:

bunzip2 gmapsupp.img.bz2
cp gmapsupp.img /media/disk/Garmin/gmapsupp.img

(.. wait for about 20 minutes .., unmount)

Casing of the upper/lowercase filenames matters.


PS: avoid eTrex Firmware version 3.30 for mapping purposes.
    Sticks to road although told not to.
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